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WIPETIME - 16.02.2022 Server Update for 1.16 #187 // Update already live

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 5:46 pm
by coca
• Fixed some Airdrop Location issues
• Fixed some Animation issue with the new Vanilla Bizon weapon
• Stone/Ore Trader moved his location
• Stone/Ore Trader is not in a Safezone anymore
• Added all new items that came with the DayZ 1.16 Update
• Changed overall persistance lifetime of Basebuilding items
- The Lifetime got halfed, so its now 2 weeks.
- Important from now on is to have a Flag Pole
- The Flag Pole will lower itself 3 times, each time in this case every 4 days refreshing the lifetime of those 2 weeks
That means if the flag is on the bottom it will run down the 2 weeks and after that the items will despawn.
So basicly if you have an Flag Pole you can always restart that timer.
Without a Flag pole you have maximal 2 weeks until the items start to despawn.
(This will help to get unused bases removed way faster than usual)
• Reworked Skalisty a bit
• Tents cant be bought anymore and are only findable in the lootspawn or airdrops
• Couple of changes to the 3d Markers and Trader names (only the names)
• NWA, VMC and Stary are now one whole PVP Zone
• Codelock price has been adjusted
• Added more tools that can craft wolf/bear cowls from pelts
• Added Donation Barrels to Kumyrna
• Changed color of the Mapmarker "ME"
• Adjusted selling price for Joints and Cocaine
• Adjusted buying price for the ATV this is just for now until our next bigger update as there is a bigger plan to all of it.
• Mining rocks is now only possible with an Pickaxe
• Reworked Munghards Leatherwallet as it was accepting multiple other items into its storage while having the wallet inside your inventory
• Reworked and fixed the LRS scope accuracy
• As mentioned previously Fireworks mod has been removed and will be readded for our christmas update :D
• Fixed Gearstand not showing its Slots
• Readded SurvivorMissions Mod
• FixVehiclePosition has been updated and had a little rework
• CarKey prices has been adjusted